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Portrait image of Marc Maegdefrau.
Portrait image of Marc Maegdefrau.

Marc Maegdefrau

[Mark Mægdefraʊ]  •  Human Being

A person working at the intersection of technology and business to shape sustainable innovations for our common future. Deals with those issues that he considers to be truly important for the future. Is a representative of lifelong and applied learning.

Portrait image of Marc Maegdefrau with light shining from the left.


Welcome to my website.


Ever since I can think, organization and perfectionism have been two of my most important characteristics. Nonetheless, quickly reacting to new things seems indispensable to me. I combine these two characteristics with my constantly changing environment by regularly and impartially dealing with new topics.

I'm excited about the impact of technologies like artificial intelligence, energy systems, and climate tech on tomorrow's businesses, how they deal with them, and how I can help others take advantage of these new opportunities.

During my last year at high school, I started to prepare the foundation of my first company. I founded it in early 2019 with the sole mission of bringing more attention to digital media. In the meantime, I have acquired relevant knowledge online at various universities. In this way, I am still learning exactly what I consider essential.

Three blank, white books stacked on top of each other
A stack of white sheets of paper stacked on each other.


Business and Economics Team, TUM Carbon Removal Initiative e.V.

Fighting climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere through direct air capture. Working in business and economics as well as materials fundraising.


Startup Consultant and Analyst, PwC GmbH WPG

As part of PwC's Next Level initiative, I consult both startups and corporates on their path to successful innovation and sustainable ecosystems.


Founder/CEO, xuuluux GmbH

Founding my startup at age 19 taught me critical abilities and knowledge in entrepreneurship that I will be thankful for in future roles.

See my CV

Keep going and stay

po — si









Lifelong learning

Do it different




In a world as fast-paced as ours, lifelong learning is the basic prerequisite for lasting success. My enthusiasm for innovative topics keeps me in touch with new knowledge and allows me to constantly try out new things.

I firmly believe that there is hardly a right or wrong. When faced with a new task, I try to separate myself from existing ways of thinking and approach things in a fundamentally different way.

I am never satisfied. No matter what I do. Therefore, I am all the more thankful for everything I have been able to experience and learn so far–for all that I have and will do in the future.

For me, tasks cannot be completed fast enough. The faster, the better. At the same time, remarkable things take time. I plan for the long term and, therefore, always live one step ahead.

I do not believe in short-term motivation. I do not pursue goals that motivate me. In life, I pursue what truly inspires me and for which I can show full passion. Above all, these are things that have a lasting positive influence on other people.